Intro to Pranayama: Sitali (Cooling) Breath

Intro to Pranayama: Part III

Sitali Pranayam is the second of several techniques we’ll cover in the “Intro to Pranayama” series.

The sanskrit can be loosely translated to “cooling breath,” and it is a breathing technique that promotes a calming effect on the nervous system and a cooling effect on the body (you’ll definitely feel it as you practice this breath).

While this technique features a curled tongue (which is a genetic trait - either you can, or you can’t), fear not if you’re not able to do this! I’ve provided separate instructions for those with this trait and a modification for those without.


  • Reduces feelings of stress and anxiety

  • Increases sensations of relaxation

  • Helps to cool the body (great for a warm summer day)

  • Has been known to calm thirst and hunger

  • Promotes healthy blood pressure

  • May aid insomnia do to the soothing nature of this breath

  • Helps to soothe a pitta imbalance by adding moisure and cooling the body

In the video above, we explore Sitali Pranayam. This video is a quick introduction, so once you’ve got the hang of this particular technique, try to practice for 3-5 minutes every night (or day) for a week and see how you feel. Once you’re comfortable with 3-5 minuutes, try extending to 10 minutes. You may even find that you get to a place where you don’t need a time limit.

In Kundalini yoga, it is recommended that you practice this breath 26 times in the morning and 26 times in the evening, so feel free to try this as well once you’re comfortable with the breath. .

Tip: set a timer on your phone so you’re not tempted to glance around to see how long you’ve been practicing. ;)

Try it out and let us know how it goes in the comments!

Not sure what pranayama is? Check out the Intro to Pranayama post to learn more about pranayama, the benefits, and how to use it. You can also check out pranayama part II to learn about another technique: Alternate Nostril Breathing, or Nodi Shodhana.


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Intro to Pranayama: Alternate-Nostril Breathing